外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters教案 您所在的位置:网站首页 family life教学设计 外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters教案

外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters教案

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这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters教案,共7页。教案主要包含了教学内容分析,学习者特征分析与学习方法,教学目标及教学重点,教学过程流程图与教学方法,教学资源准备与环境布置,教学过程,板书设计等内容,欢迎下载使用。

案例名称Unit 3 Family Matters科目英语教学对象高一年级学生授课人一、教学内容分析(一)本节课的位置(或课时安排)及前后内容的关系 This is the secnd lessn f the third unit f the bk. Students have mastered the new wrds and phrases in this unit, s the passage is nt difficult fr them. This article is at the beginning f this unit, and its tpic is the same as the cre tpic f this unit. This has played a gd rle in paving the way fr the rest f the unit.(二)本节课内容介绍This article intrduces hw t slve family cnflicts.It describes the father and sn due t different psitins, the sn's future career planning differences and cnflicts, and finally by the grandfather t recncile the stry. The article unflds the plt in chrnlgical rder. Key wrds mainly invlve characters, ccupatins, actins, psychlgy, suggestins, etc., such as: Character, lawyer, prfessinal, career, apprach,turn t, respect, ignre, advice, etc. The value rientatin f this paper is that students can understand the characteristics f drama art and family life in different cuntries, develp their interest in English drama art and lve f different languages and cultures, and understand hw t reslve family cnflicts and create a harmnius and lving family.二、学习者特征分析与学习方法学习者特征分析The students f this class have a gd English fundatin, serius learning attitude and high learning enthusiasm. Students are basically able t acquire details in reading and sme f them can express their ideas cnfidently in English. Hwever, mst students lack the ability f understanding and integrating knwledge, lgical reasning and analysis f argumentatin, as well as the ability f applying knwledge t creatin. In additin, althugh students have a certain degree f understanding f drama art and family life, they are unfamiliar with the specific frms f drama art, the majr factrs that drama must include and hw t use English language t reslve family cnflicts.(二)学习方法 1.Fast reading 2.Extensive reading 3.Intensive reading 4.Discussin methd三、教学目标及教学重点、教学难点(一)教学目标:Language knwledge:1.Students can master sme new wrds and their ther frms .e.g. :seat-seated,seat neself,apprach,assume- assumptin,chathave a chat with sb...2.Students can master the use f cmplete inverted sentences.Language skills: 1.Students can read lng and difficult sentences and knw their translatin. 2.Students can understand the themes f the play and the emtins behind the characters.Emtin and attitude: 1.Students can relate their wn experiences t understand the cntent f the play. 2.Teach the students hw t cmmunicate with parents in a reasnable way.Learning strategy:Students can understand the play thrugh reading it fr 3 times.Students `s writing skills can be imprve thrugh reading and analysis.Cultural awareness:Develp students t have a crrect perspective n the generatin gap and quarrels with their parents.Students can understand that teenagers in different cuntries deal with cnflicts with their parents in different ways.(二)教学重、难点:Teaching Imprtant Pints:1.Students can understand lng and difficult sentences and knw their translatin.2.Imprve students`s reading skills.3.T help the students have a general understanding f the play.Teaching Difficult Pints:T imprve students' cmpetence t acquire infrmatin quickly and accurately.Guide students t crrectly deal with the generatin gap between their parents.四、教学过程流程图与教学方法(一)教学过程流程图:

教学方法:Cmmunicative Language Teaching, Task-based Language Teaching and s n五、教学资源准备与环境布置教学资源准备PwerPint, blackbard, 2 frms教师或学生准备 Teacher: 1.Prepare the PwerPint and distribute the materials.2.Understand what cnflicts students and parents have at this stage.

Students: 1.Review the wrds and phrases. 2.Preview the passage and lk up wrds yu dn't knw.六、教学过程教学阶段教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Step 1Warming-up(5 minutes)Step 2 Pre-reading(5 minutes)Shw students sme statistics abut why teenagers ften quarrel with their parents.D a survey abut the reasn yu have ever quarreled with yur parents.Ask students t talk abut hw d they cnsider this situatin.1.Cmplete the first task.Then ask hw many peple chse each ptin.T:Wh chse schl wrk/friendship raise yur hands.2.Ask students is there any difference between this and the article we learned befre.Then intrduce the genre f this lessn---a play.3.Lk at the illustratin f the passage. Can yu predict the tpic f it?T:It may be a cnflict between father and sn.Right?Cmplete the survey accrding t yur real experience.Share yur wn thughts abut the questin.Cmplete the task..Have a preliminary understanding f the writing frm f the play.3.Predict the tpic f the passage accrding t the picture.By shwing real statistics, teachers can shw students that prblems with parents are cmmn. Asking students t talk abut hw they see the situatin resnates with students.Let the students knw the genre f this passage, play . Lead the students t predict the pssible tpics in the lessn accrding t the illustratins.Step 3 While-readingStep 4Pst-reading(15minutes)(1)Fast readingAsk students t lk thrugh the passage and find ut cnflict the sn has with his father.Extensive readingAsk students t read the play again and then cmplete the blank.Discuss in pairs.Then check the answers.Intensive readingRead the play fr the third time in details.Try t cmplete the frm accrding t yur understanding.Divide the students int grups t have a discussin abut the frm.Then invite 3 grups t share their answers.Ask students t chse a suitable title in task 3.Cmplete task 4 withut referring t the play.Summarize the lng and difficult sentences and wrds in the passage3.Ask students t act it ut.4. Invite students t retell the play.Take a quick lk at the text and find the cnflict.Read the play and cmplete the blank.Exchange yur answer with yur partner and then check the answers.Read the play in details.Try t get mre details and indicative infrmatin and cmplete the frm.Have a discussin in grups.Chse a title that can present the play`s cntent and theme.D the exercises quickly accrding t yur memryInvite 3 students t act it ut.Pay attentin t the emtin f the characters.Try t retell the play by using the infrmatin f the frm.By reading the text fr three times with different tasks, students can deepen their understanding f the text step by step.It als imprves students' reading skills.This activity is a pst-reading exercise. The teacher leads the students t dig deeply int the text infrmatin, cultivate the students' critical thinking ability, and guide the students t read the text, s as t better cmplete the reading task.Step 5Hmewrk(3minutes)Writing(1)Cntinue this play by adding an ending t it.Requirements1. Try t use five f the fllwing wrds. fcus n; jb; daydream; happy; talents; university; prud; lawyer2. Use nt nly dialgues but als actin t enrich yur writing(2)Write a cmpsitin t revel the reasns that cause the cnflict between sn and father.Yu can add yur wn experience.Chse ne hmewrk t d.The first ne is mre difficult and the ther is easier.Students can chse by their wn level.Turn reading int writing. The first task can imprve students' thinking and imaginatin skills, but it als requires mre writing skills. The secnd task is mre in line with rdinary test writing and is easier.七、板书设计


高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters教案设计: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Family matters教案设计,共12页。教案主要包含了学习目标,基础练习,强化练习等内容,欢迎下载使用。

高中Unit 3 Family matters教案: 这是一份高中Unit 3 Family matters教案,共4页。

外研版 (2019)Unit 3 Family matters教学设计: 这是一份外研版 (2019)Unit 3 Family matters教学设计,共3页。教案主要包含了教学目标与核心素养,教学重难点,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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